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General Equilibrium Model of International-National Interactions between Economy, Energy and the Environment

Modelling Energy System Development
Modelling Energy System Development under Environmental and Socioeconomic constraints

Wuppertal Institute System Model Architecture for Energy and Emission Scenarios - Energy Demand Model (Industry Modules)
Geographic Coverage of NEMESIS
Note: Hover over the map to see the model's spatial coverage.
Grey indicates non-availability (i.e. areas not covered).
Green colour indicates national coverage (i.e. countries represented at the country-level.
For countries not represented with national granularity, same colour for multiple countries indicates countries covered as part of the same region. Pop-up title on mouse over each covered country displays Name of Region (Name of Country)
Sectoral, Policy, SDG, Socioeconomic, Emissions and Technological Coverage/Granularity of NEMESIS
Mitigation/ Adaptation Measures





Socio- Economics